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"Managing the Future of Australian Farm Land" Conference - Sydney

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28 May 2012 - 11:00am

Is Australia in danger of allowing much of its most productive farm land to be permanently removed from farm use? Will the expansion of cities and the diversion of farm land to carbon offset production threaten the future ability of Australia to feed its population and export food to the world? Should productive farm land be permanently protected from mining and urban encroachment in order to guarantee future food supplies?

The Australian Farm Institute are holding a 3-day conference and field trip on "Managing the Future of Australian Farm Land", to bring together landholders, industry representatives and policy makers to consider these issues, and discuss what future Australian farm land policy should aim to achieve.

The conference will commence with a field trip, on Monday 28 May, followed by a 2-day conference on Tuesday 29 to Wednesday 30 May. The conference will be held at The Radisson Hotel, 27 O'Connell Street Sydney.

Further information is available at the Australian Farm Institue website: http://www.farminstitute.org.au/news-and-events/upcoming-events/index.html


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