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Caring for Our Country - Open call for funding

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9 Feb 2012 - 5:00pm

Applications are now invited through the open call investment process under the Caring for Our Country 2012-13 Business Plan. This funding is for projects valued at between $20,000 and $500,000.

Priorities for investment under this round include:

  • Indigenous participation in NRM;
  • Increasing native habitat;
  • Reducing the impact of vertebrate pest animals and/or Weeds of National Significance; and
  • Sustainable farm practices (improving management practices, landscape-scale conservation, and improving knowledge and skills).

Full details on the Open Call funding program, including application guidelines, are available at: http://www.nrm.gov.au/funding/open-call/index.html

If you have ideas for a project, feel free to contact your local Regional Landcare Facilitator to discuss:


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Dr. Radut Consulting