"Irrigating into the Future" Forum - Griffith
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28 Jun 2018 - 8:30am

The Business and Technology Forum "Irrigating into the future" aims to help you make better on-farm decisions and improve your understanding of water, farm business and new technologies,
The forum will be held at the Griffith Ex-Servicemen's Club, 12 Jondaryan Avenue Griffith.
Tickets cost $35, and can be purchased here.
Irrigation and this season: 8.45 - 10.25 am
- Seasonal water price influences - Anthony McCloskey, Key Water
- Water products - which ones to choose - Michael Ryan, Riverina Agriconsultants
- 2018/2019 Season Forecast and Dam situation - Andrew Nolan, Snowy Hydro
Business: 10.55 am - 12.50 pm
- What makes a good employer - Rebecca Milliken, Delta Ag
- Financials for forward planning - Steve Bourke, Rabobank
- WHS: do you have a plan? - William Lloyd, Safe Ag Systems
- Income protection insurance: How much am I worth? - Glen Wilson, Commonwealth Bank
New technology: 1.35 - 3.05 pm
- Various images with local results - Thane Pringle, Independent Precision Ag
- Setting up farm WIFI - Dan Winson, Agrinet & James Brinkhoff, Deakin University
- Irrigation automation: A Qld example - Steve Attard, Water Save
What’s next? 3.25 - 4.40 pm
- How to think about emerging technologies - Paul Higgins, Emergent Futures
- R&D in rice around the world: towards 2028 - Russell Ford, SunRice
For more information:
- Iva Quarisa: 0402 069 643
- Leah Garnett: 0455 558 035