Holistic Management course - Albury
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24 May 2018 (All day)
A Holistic Management Practitioner training course will start in Albury in May 2018 (numbers permitting).
The 8 day course will be conducted on 2 days per month over four months, May to August. All study materials are included (text book, hand book, all charts and worksheets, Grazing planning and Financial planning software), as well as morning teas.
The full cost for the course is $2,200 (incl GST).
To express your interest in attending this valuable course, or request further information, contact Brian at Inside Outside Management:
Course details:
Session 1 (24 & 25 May)
Introduction - history of Holistic Management and its success, how we think and change – power of paradigms, ecosystem function – how nature functions holistically, incorporating livestock as a tool for making change to our environment, diagnosing the root cause of problems, what is causing biodiversity loss
Improving productivity through sunlight capture. Increasing the effectiveness of our rainfall.
Session 2 (21 & 22 June)
Review ecosystem function and the tools, Holistic Diagnosis of environmental problems, the change process – how people change, personal profiling - what moves you, conventional decision making, Holistic Context formation and goal setting, discovering the testing matrix, testing decisions using a testing matrix, testing decisions – personal examples. Improving our time management.
Session 3 (17 & 18 July)
Review and photos, mastering the basics for Holistic grazing planning, feed budgets and plant monitoring, paddock walk and practical feed budgeting, complete case study for growing and non-growing season grazing plans, complete personal grazing plan, electronic spreadsheets for grazing planning. Better communication.
Session 4 (23 & 24 August)
Introduction to Holistic financial planning, small business financial plan example, communication exercises, review non-growing grazing plan, biological monitoring theory, paddock walk - set up a bio-monitoring site, introduction to Holistic land planning and key line, review, evaluation.
On going telephone, email and teleconference support will be provided through the duration of the course to assist with impementation of the learnings.