Nature Conservation Council regional conference - Jerrabomberra
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26 May 2018 - 9:00am
The 2018 Regional Conference is co-hosted with Climate Action Monaro and Nature Conservation Council of NSW. The aims of the regional conference are to:
- Provide an opportunity for networking between NCC members, executive, staff, representatives and local conservationists
- Provide an opportunity for information sharing, skills development and collaborative planning on key policy and campaign issues, and
- Strengthen working relationships between existing NCC members and to provide an opportunity for potential members to learn more about our work.
The conference program will run all day Saturday, with a conference dinner Saturday night and a field trip on Sunday. The program will include panels with expert speakers on threats to nature in the area and the opportunities for being involved in the solution.
Venue: Jerrabomberra Community Centre, 25/31 Jerrabomberra Pkwy NSW 2619
For more information and to purchase tickets, visit the website here.