Australian Geographic Society sponsorship
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30 Apr 2018 (All day)
Each calendar year the Australian Geographic Society donates generously to maintain its programme of sponsorship of Australian adventurers, scientific and environmental research, and community projects. Over the years it has spent much time and effort supporting Australian endeavour in all these fields.
Australian scientists, community organisations and individuals developing projects in Australia and abroad are welcome to apply for Society sponsorship.
Project Sponsorships of up to $10,000 in four categories - science, environment, adventure, community - are now open for applicatios.
How do I apply?
1. To determine your eligibility, or for information on which grant to apply for, please download the sponsorship guidelines
2. Download the Project Sponsorship Application Form
3. Please forward your application in a single attachment to (We do not need a hard copy of your application.)
4. Make sure your application is under 10MB otherwise your email will bounce back.
5. Please indicate in your email which round you are applying for (Round 1 or 2).
6. You will receive a confirmation email to the email address your application was sent from.
7. You will receive an answer to your application usually within two months of the closing date.
For more information regarding sponsorship applications please contact the AG Society Administrator or (02) 9263 9825