Wine Australia - Export and Regional Wine Support Package
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2 Mar 2018 (All day)
Wine Australia is administering the Export and Regional Wine Support Package, funded by the Australian Government, to help drive export demand and tourism for the benefit of the Australian grape and wine industry. The Package involves the following grants programs:
Wine Export Grants
This program offers small and medium wine businesses grants of up to $25,000 to reimburse 50 percent of eligible export promotion expenses incurred after 1 Jan 2018. Eligible markets include the US, China, Macau and Hong Kong.
Applications are open until 1 May 2020 or until all $1 million funding is exhausted.
International Wine Tourism Competitive grants
These grants provide a range of stakeholders with the opportunity to apply for small grants (up to $50k) and medium grants ($50k - $250k), offered on a competitive basis, for initiatives that will grow the number of and/or spend by tourists visiting a region of Australia for the purposes of international wine tourism. Cash co-contributions apply and applications from eligible consortia are encouraged.
Applications can be made online by 5pm, Friday 2 March 2018.
International Wine Tourism State-Based Grants
International Wine Tourism State Grants are state-based grants that provide state wine associations with access to pre-determined funding allocations to identity and plan initiatives that build international wine tourism within the state. The pre-determined funding allocation for the New South Wales Wine Industry Association Incorporated (which covers the Australian Capital Territory) is $1,000,000.
Cash co-contributions apply and applications from eligible consortia are encouraged.
Applications are open until Friday 2 March 2018.
Wine Tourism and Cellar Door Grant Grants
The objective of the Wine Tourism and Cellar Door Grant is to encourage wine tourism. Wine producers who have met the eligibility criteria in the preceding financial year will be able to access an annual grant of up to $100,000 (plus GST) for their eligible cellar door sales. Total funding under the grant program will be capped at $10 million each financial year.
It is anticipated that grants will open on 1 July 2019 and will close on 30 September 2019.
More information on all grants is available here.