Horticulture Innovation Churchill Fellowships
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27 Apr 2018 (All day)
Horticulture Innovation Australia (Hort Innovation) is partnering with the Churchill Trust to develop tomorrow’s leaders of the Australian horticulture industry. As the Research Development Corporation for the Australian horticulture industries, Hort Innovation invests over $100 million annually in research, development and marketing programs that increase productivity, farm gate profitability and global competitiveness.
Three Churchill Fellowships will be offered annually for four years (from 2017), specifically for international research on a topic related to horticulture. They will be awarded on the basis that the research undertaken will provide clear benefit to the Australian horticulture sector and, ultimately, to the wider community.
The scholarships are available to anyone working in a registered levy-paying Australian horticulture business. To check that your industry is in the horticulture levy scheme visit the Hort Innovation Website.
These Fellowships are being joint funded with the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust using Hort Innovation’s Leadership Fund, as part of its new strategic co-investment initiative. These funds comprise of a number of strategic long-term R&D programs using a combination of government funding and partner investments, and endeavour to address major challenges in key areas identified as crucial to securing the future of Australian horticulture industries.
For further information and details about the application process visit: https://www.churchilltrust.com.au/sponsors/about/horticulture/