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"Gliding into the Future" performance - Albury

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12 Oct 2017 - 6:15pm
WARNING: Performance induced hilarity and scientific learning!
Murray Arts is over the nocturnal moon to be partnering with Inspiring Australia (NSW), Eaton Gorge Theatre Company and local Squirrel Glider champions from around our region, to produce and present the world premiere performance of 'Gliding into the Future'. This family friendly production, all about our local Squirrel Glider population, is FREE to attend.
Murray Arts promise no spoilers BUT you really don't want to miss this cute sneaky preview!
Performances are as follows:
Savernake Hall, 6 pm, Wednesday 11 October 2017

Optional pre-show family BBQ - $15 adult, $5 per child and $35 family. Come along and support the Savernake community BBQ!

Performance begins 7pm at Savernake Hall.

RSVP to Christine Gorman: 0429 445 583, (02) 6035 9134, or marengopark@bigpond.com


Burrumbuttock Hall, 11.30 am, Thursday 12 October 2017

School students from local schools invited, community members, groups and families most welcome!

RSVP: info@murrayarts.org.au


QEII Square Albury, 6.15 pm, Thursday 12 October 2017

Performance will be held during the twilight evening market. No RSVP needed!

For more information contact Murray Arts: (02) 6021 5034, or info@murrayarts.org.au

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Dr. Radut Consulting