Diploma of Business (Governance) scholarship
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15 Sep 2017 - 3:00pm
To assist boards and committees overseeing not-for-profit groups, Greening Australia is offering 25 $1,000 scholarships for environmental not for profit organisation's towards Diploma of Business (Governance) enrolments.
Delivered by the Institute of Community Directors Australia in alliance with Federation Training, the Diploma of Business (Governance) is the only accredited course for existing and prospective not-for-profit board and committee members, and the staff who work with them.
Successful scholarship applicants will receive:
- A $1,000 fee reduction for enrolments in the Diploma of Business (Governance). The reduced enrolment cost for scholarship recipients is $3,495 (inc GST)
- An iPad mini, pre-loaded with course materials
- Membership of the Institute of Community Directors Australia
- Access to the Institute of Community Directors Australia's extensive suite of online governance resources
Students who go on to complete the Diploma of Business (Governance) will earn:
- Fellowship of the Institute of Community Directors Australia
- Australia's only accredited qualification for not-for-profit governance
Applicants must demonstrate:
- Their passion for the environment
- Their suitability for completing the Diploma
- Their reasons for wanting to improve their governance skills
Further information is available here: https://www.communitydirectors.com.au/icda/courses/?articleId=7005