Young Farmer Business Program - EOI for Advisory Committee
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31 Aug 2017 - 5:00pm
Are you passionate about supporting the next generation of farmers or fishers?
Are you an innovative farmer, or aspiring to move into farming/fisheries?
Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit?
Do you like working collaboratively to achieve results?
Do you have strong rural and/or business networks, especially with young farmers and fishers?
If you answered YES, then the Young Farmer Business Program (YFBP) would love to hear from you! The YFBP is calling on expressions of interest for three people to join the YFBP Advisory Committee.
What is the YFBP?
The YFBP initiative was jointly developed by the NSW DPI and NSW Farmers, and supports young people to enter the business of farming or fishing and/or expand their agricultural businesses. The program is focused on developing the business skills of this generation and seeks great thinkers to form an Advisory Committee to support the program to ensure it meets the needs of young people.
The YFBP aims to improve opportunities for younger farmers, fishers and growers to enter into, or expand their agricultural businesses to improve connection, knowledge, skills and experience through capacity building activities and access to information.
What will YBFP Advisory Committee members do?
Members will be required to attend 3 to 4 face-to-face meetings per year in Dubbo or Sydney and participate in regular teleconferences. Members can be based anywhere in NSW as long as they are able to commit to these meetings and teleconferences.
This is a two year position with sitting fees and expenses reimbursed.
How can I apply?
Please provide your resume and a one page cover letter or 2 minute video (hosted via YouTube) outlining why you would like to be a part of this new Program and what you can offer the Advisory Committee.
A selection panel will assess expressions of interest and the Director General of the DPI will approve membership of the YFBP Advisory Committee.
How can I get more information?
Full details can be found here:
If you have questions, please contact Pip Job on 0437 241 688 or