Small Grants for Rural Communities
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27 Sep 2017 (All day)
The Small Grants for Rural Communities (SGRC) is the longest running and broadest program FRRR offers, opening twice per year. It is a great example of a collaborative program supported by various partners, which has the flexibility to address issues that make a difference to the sustainability of rural, regional and remote communities, including projects that address the following.
- Strong Leadership & Community Capacity: Investing and developing leadership, skills and capacity of individuals and organisations, enhancing inclusion and strengthening culture
- Sustainable Community Infrastructure: Projects focusing on improving local infrastructure, creating places which enable communities to connect and grow their identity
- Equitable Access to Opportunities: Ensuring equitable access to quality services and opportunities in the areas of culture, arts, education, health, wellbeing, communications, transport, food and the environment
- Vibrant Local Economies: Projects that enhance a sustainable economy, providing jobs, growth and wealth for the community.
Grants of up to $5,000 are available for projects and activities that offer clear public benefit for communities in rural, regional or remote Australia. Priority is given to communities of 10,000 or fewer.
A total of $300,000 is available per funding round.
What can be funded?
The program funds a wide range of projects such as:
- Repair and maintenance of small to mid-scale community infrastructure, such as public halls, preschools and recreation reserves.
- Providing communications equipment and enhancing infrastructure and systems, especially for emergency services organisations.
- Community events and capacity building, such as volunteer training, support and development.
- Support for collaborative, community based arts and cultural activities that provide broad community benefit.
- Community heritage projects such as infrastructure and equipment.
- Community based tourism and economic development activities to support the vitality and economic sustainability for small rural communities.
Projects should contribute to the development of a community’s social and community welfare, economic, environmental, health, education or cultural areas.
While the criteria for this program is broad, we currently cannot fund operational and administration costs.
Projects must be for a charitable purpose (benefit the whole community). If you are unsure if your project is eligible, please contact us on 1800 170 020 during office hours to discuss your project idea.
Applications can be made by not-for-profit community organisations that have an ABN or Incorporation Certificate. Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status is not required for this grant program.
Further information
Visit the website here:
If you have any questions after reviewing the guidelines and our tips on applying, contact us on free call 1800 170 020 or email