WeedSmart forum and farm visits - Wagga
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Farmers and advisers are invited to attend WeedSmart Week in Wagga! The week includes a one-day forum and two days of farm visits. The forum will be a practical day, delivered mostly by farmers and agronomists, providing information on managing resistant weeds. The farm visits will give attendees the opportunity to talk directly to the farmers and farm managers about their farm systems.
For further information, and details for registering: https://weedsmart.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/WeedSmart-Week-in-Wa...
Date: Monday 21 August
Time: 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Venue: Riverina Playhouse, Wagga Wagga
Cost: $70 early bird, $85 after July 21 (lunch included)
RSVP: Wednesday, August 16
- Lisa Mayer: Welcome & intro 'The Big 6'
- Peter Newman: Double knock to preserve glyphosate
- Rick Rundell-Gordon: Rotating buys you time, mixing buys you shots
- John Broster: Which herbicides still work? Findings from resistance surveys
- Greg Condon: Crop competition - the disc and stripper front system
- Daniel Fox: Farmer experience - narrow rows, diverse rotations and chaff lines
- Tony Swan: Stop seed set - double break rotations & crop competition
- Mark Day: Farmer experience - double breaks & chaff decks
- Tim Condon: Pasture phases for weed control
- Ben Webb: Farmer experience - grazing chaff in mixed farming systems
- Michael Walsh & Ray Harrington: Header set-up for HWSC
- Warwick Holding: Farmer experience - from NWB to chaff decks and 'weedlining'
Farm visits
Date: Tuesday 22 August and Wednesday 23 August
Time: 8:00 am
Venue: Bus pick-up location TBC
Cost: FREE
RSVP: Wednesday, August 16
Tuesday 22 Aug:
- Warwick & Di Holding, Yerong Creek
- Warakirri Cropping, Lockhart
- Mark & David Taylor, Lockhart
- Malcolm, Des & Adrian Kohlhagen, Collingullie
Wednesday 23 Aug:
- David & Cathie, Daniel & Rachel Fox, Marrar
- Ben & Catherine Cruikshank, Ganmain
- Stephen & Michelle Hatty, Matong