Graham Centre Beef Forum - Wagga
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4 Aug 2017 - 8:30am
The Graham Centre Beef Forum has become a key event in the diary of beef producers across the Riverina and surrounding regions. The forum showcases the latest research from the Graham Centre and industry.
Presentations will include:
- Application of 3D cameras on live animals and carcases - Edwina Toohey, NSW DPI
- Improving communication and applying knowledge across the beef supply chain - Jasmine Nixon, Teys Australia
- Producer case study: Benefits of MSA and QA systems on-farm - Geoff Roberts
- Supplementary feeding to improve meat quality - CSU Honours students
When: Friday 4 August, 8.30 am for a 9.00 am start to 1.00 pm
Where: Charles Sturt University Convention Centre, Wagga
Cost: $25 per person, includes morning tea and lunch
Pre-payment is essential!
Register here:
Further information: Toni Nugent, 6933 4402,