Ricegrowers' Association Annual Conference - Leeton
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Join us for the 2017 RGA Annual Conference, at the Leeton Soldiers Club Auditorium.
This year’s event will centre on the theme ‘Building Value – Rice and Beyond’, as we take this opportunity to celebrate not only rice, but the people, growers, systems and processes that play a vital role in rice production along the entire value chain.
With inspiring guest speakers set to lead the conference and a full social program including a Conference Dinner and Post Conference Tour, you won’t want to miss out!
Thursday 3rd August 2017
RGA Annual Conference at Leeton Soldiers Club Auditorium, Leeton
Conference Dinner at SunRice Head Office, Leeton
Friday 4th August 2017
RGA Annual General Meeting at Leeton Soldiers Club Auditorium, Leeton
Post Conference Tour
Further information: http://www.rga.org.au/events/2017-rga-annual-conference.aspx
Registration: http://www.rga.org.au/f.ashx/Registration-Form-2017-Final.pdf