Think Big Rural Women program - Murray region
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The Think Big Rural Women program was formed to teach women throughout the Murray practical skills in innovation and progressive thought - unlocking their entrepreneurial spirit. We know empowered women, empower women and this is what the program is about.
Did you know entrepreneurial spirit is a mindset, an attitude and approach to thinking that actively seeks out change, rather than waiting to adapt? It’s not a business model. By empowering women to foster entrepreneurial spirit we will grow vibrant regional economies.
To make it all happen we are partnering with four skilled facilitators Dr Natalie Shepard and Sandra Martin (Wild & Wacky Women), Christina Gerakiteys (Ideation at work) and Dianna Somerville (Regional Pitchfest). They have far more experience in this space then we do. So we will all be learning!
Who is it for?
This program is for women aged 17 – 100 who live in the Murray region, NSW. This is not a young women’s program and it is not an older women’s program, it’s not a leadership program, you don’t have to have an idea, you don’t have to be working. It is just for women who are interested in challenging themselves to be better and want to get to know like-minded women from the region.
What do I get out of it?
Everyone who participates in this program has the opportunity to:
- Meet a group of like-minded women in the region
- Learn skills in innovative thinking and problem solving
- Crate an understanding of the problems facing your community
- Have your say on the solutions to the problems facing your community
And, other participants who have completed programs like this have found:
- They are more organised and productive
- They have a reduced level of physical and mental clutter
- They are better able to collaborate in teams They are happier and more empowered
What is the time commitment?
You will be required on the following dates:
Sun 27 August, (9AM-3PM), Barham
Sat 16 Sept (9AM-3PM) / Sun 17 Sept, Deniliquin (9AM-3PM) (overnight stay)
Gala evening celebration – to be confirmed
What does it cost and how do I register?
The program has been heavily subsidised thanks to our sponsors. Your participant fee covers the three facilitated sessions, networking night/overnight stay and gala evening celebration.
To register for the program you need to go to
Registrations close on Thursday 31 July 2017.
If you have any questions please contact Hayley Purbrick -, or 0408 129 782