GRDC Grains Research Update - Yanco
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26 Jul 2017 (All day)
The GRDC Grains Research Update provides a unique forum for growers and advisers to learn from and network with leading industry professionals.
Topics include:
- Yield potential of irrigated cereals - what's holding us back: Nick Poole, FAR Australia
- Soils under an irrigated environment - interaction between layout and soil types: Sam North, NSW DPI
- Latest research on herbicide resistance and emerging problem weeds: Chris Preston, University of Adelaide
- Getting value from your nitrogen under irrigation: Leigh Vial, Grower and Nuffield Scholar
- Management checklist to achieve maximum yields with irrigated canola: Tony Napier, NSW DPI
- Boom spray technology - improving coverage and managing drift: Craig Day, Spray Safe and Save Pty Ltd
Timing: Wednesday 26th July, 9.00 am
Venue: Yanco Agricultural Institute Conference Centre, 2198 Irrigation Way East, Yanco NSW
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