200th Anniversary of Oxley and Cunningham - Cocoparra National Park
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4 Jun 2017 - 9:00am
Murrumbidgee Field Naturalists have organised a walk to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the explorers Oxley and Cunningham at Mt Caley near the Spring Hill picnic area in the Cocoparra National Park. He camped here on the 2nd June. This will entail a walk and climb through bush (no track) to the summit of Mt Caley. An alternative is to wander around the picnic area or lower slopes.
Venue: Meet at the crossroads of Whitton Stock Route and Burley Griffin Way at 9 am.
What to bring: Morning tea and lunch.
RSVP: Contact Eric or Rowena Whiting 6953 2612 Email: murrumbidgeefieldnaturalists@gmail.com.