Riparian Zone Management Field Day - Murrumbateman
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What: Janette Ryan and Miles Jordana have a property with about 400m of river frontage on the Murrumbidgee River and they are looking for expert information on how to better manage the riparian zone, including:
- The latest thinking about willows and what should they do about them?
- Which reeds are weeds and which are native plants to be encouraged? (follows on from our dam walk field trip in February)
- How should they manage blackberries on the edge of the water (chemical spraying doesn’t seem like a good idea close to the river and when native species may be using them as habitat)?
- What can they do to support the general health of the river in their area?
So we are visiting them to answer at least some of their questions.
Who: Haydn Burgess, Senior Project Officer at Greening Australia, has kindly agreed to lead the walk over the Ryan’s property so we can all avail ourselves of his expertise in riparian management issues.
When: 9.30am to 1.00pm Sunday June 4
Where: Janette and Miles' property, at the end of Connells Lane (no. 513)
What to wear: Sturdy shoes and appropriate clothing for the weather that day.
RSVP: by email to please for catering (tea break mid-morning in a lovely setting) and for event management, by Thursday 1 June.
See it on our website at