Landcare Linking Biodiversity - Manton
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In her presentation to Murrumbateman Landcare Group on 6th, April Jeni De Landre talked about the achievements of the “Landcare Linkages for Biodiversity in the Murrumbateman region” (LLB) project that MLG and Greening Australia have been undertaking and which is now coming to the end of its 6 year life.
That project has connected existing vegetation remnants to form a bush corridor from Picaree Hill (a large wooded area between Murrumbateman and Gundaroo) and the Mundoonen ranges, east of Yass. Under the project, many local landholders have received assistance to revegetate their properties.
As foreshadowed in her talk, Jeni has arranged for MLG members and LLB participants and their families to visit two of the LLB participating properties to see the on-ground LLB works in the context of the habitat linkages being created.
When: 9.30am Sunday May 7th
Where: Andrew Harding’s family property, 183 Reardon Road, Manton
Greening Australia directional signs will assist after turning off the Hume highway.
What: Wander through the 60ha restoration paddock looking at the different plant species growing back after no stock grazing for 2 years. There are also a few small patches of enhancement direct seeding that are now starting to pop up over the grass. We will also have Dr Sue McIntyre, expert on all things Woodlands, who will guide the identification of the bird and plant species we encounter.
Next: at about 11.30am we’ll leave Andrew’s and head over to Jill and Terry McGovern’s property at 225 Old Gap Road Manton, NSW. Here we will wander across their property looking at the many revegetation sites they have undertaken through various agencies.
Finally: At about 1.00pm we finish off and celebrate with light refreshments and a cuppa, overlooking the region.
What to wear: Sturdy shoes and appropriate clothing for the weather that day.
Note: There will be about 3 to 5km of walking. Transport will be provided for those who need it.
RSVP: To for catering and event management, by Thursday 4 May.