2018 Nuffield Scholarships for Australian Primary Producers
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Nuffield Scholars both in Australia and around the world have achieved distinction in many fields. Positive proof of both the calibre of the scholars selected, and the effect and value of the scholarships are such that a high percentage of scholars have gone on to an extraordinary range of senior positions.
Scholars have become Federal and State Politicians, Chairmen and members of national and regional commodity boards. Many have made a significant impact at a regional and local level, both in community affairs and in farm management. Others have developed careers as advisers and managers both in Australia and overseas.
In every case, Nuffield Scholars attribute a proportion of the responsibility for their later career success to the scholarship and continuing friendships and associations that follow.
The learning process continues for life, being reinforced by annual state tours, the National Conference and an International Conference every third year.
Annually, Nuffield awards primary producers scholarships to support overseas travel and study.
The process for being awarded a 2018 scholarship includes application and interview process in 2017. Applications are required by 16 June 2017, interviews are held in July and August 2017, scholarships are awarded in September 2017 and travel commences in 2018.
For further information please visit the website http://nuffield.com.au/scholarships/