FRRR ABC Heywire Youth Innovation Grants
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The FRRR ABC Heywire Youth Innovation Grants help regional organisations adopt youth-led projects. There’s a few ideas this year that align with the work Landcare is doing, in particular Need a Nanna Network and Ag Boom.
This year there are seven ideas that address issues including youth justice, substance abuse, careers in farming and multiculturalism. We’re inviting organisations in regional Australia to apply for up to $10,000 to make them a reality in their communities.
The ideas are:
Need a Nanna Network (NANN) : keeping young people out of youth detention
Dear CRIS: fostering tolerance by connecting students from different backgrounds
Tech Hub in the Scrub : getting remote communities access to the technology they need
Ag Boom : helping all young Australians to experience farming
One Drop : helping families supporting a loved one who is dealing with drug abuse
LGBTQ&A : putting more queer young people in leadership positions
Common Connections : filling the gap between young people and mental health services
You can find out more about all of these ideas in this booklet or on our website. Download an application form here.