Two Upcoming Landcare Tree Planting days - Murrumbateman
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This year saw an exciting, large, new initiative by MLG to fund and support 3-5 revegetation projects on members’ properties to complement externally funded projects such as Murrumbateman Landcare Linking Biodiversity. One of those new projects is on Peter and Sue Watson’s property.
As part of Peter and Sue’s project you are invited to two tree plantings on their property - everyone is very welcome.
When: 9am-12 noon Thursday 27th April
9am-12 noon Sunday 30th April
Where: 1215 Dog Trap Rd Murrumbateman
Food: We’ll provide morning tea and a simple lunch
Equipment: We’ll supply MLG’s new planting tools (worth coming along just to see these in action) but please bring a mattock if you have one!
Wear: Sturdy shoes and a hat.
RSVP by 24 April: for catering purposes (mention which day(s) you will be coming).
See this invitation on our new website