Landcare Linking Biodiversity - Murrumbateman Landcare Group
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Landcare Linkages for Biodiversity in the Murrumbateman region is funded through three grants. Murrumbateman Landcare Group is working with Greening Australia to link existing vegetation remnants to form a bush corridor from Picaree Hill (a large wooded area between Murrumbateman and Gundaroo) and the Mundoonen ranges, east of Yass. Under the project, many local landholders have received assistance to revegetate their properties.
Jeni De Landre, Project Manager, Greening Australia, has been working at Greening Australia’s Capital Region for nearly two decades.
Jeni started off working with volunteers in the nursery for 10 years. She then became a project manager for the Greater Goorooyarroo and Murrumbateman Landcare Linking Biodiversity projects, working with private rural landowners to connect, enhance and extend native vegetation from the northern borders of the ACT through to Mundoonen Nature Reserve east of Yass township
In her presentation Jeni will cover:
- a wrap up of the LLB project as it completes its 6th year
- some statistics on land holder participation, and the on-ground works to protect and extend native vegetation and linking habitat across the region
- some pictures from, and stories about, the project as it evolved
- and it is expected that MLG will undertake a field trip with Jeni, in May, to one or two LLB properties for members to see the on ground works in the context of the habitat linkages being created.
Jeni’s talk and Q&A will be followed by tea/coffee and biscuits (bring a plate if you like).
When:7.00pm, Thursday 6 April
Where: Murrumbateman Recreation Ground Hall
RSVP: For catering and crowd management purposes, please RSVP by email (