Mature trees in the landscape are pillars of biodiversity - Canberra
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28 Feb 2017 - 12:00pm
Mature trees are a biological keystone in the ecosystem. They provide habitat for wildlife and nurseries for seeds to grow, and facilitate vital soil processes. Several local groups are nominating "Loss of Native Hollow-bearing Trees" as a threatening process. This would be considered by the ACT Scientific Committee and if endorsed could lead to better protection of these trees.
Unfortunately we are rapidly erasing these pillars of biodiversity from the landscape. Given that these trees take hundreds of years to replace, urgent decisive action is needed before it is too late.
How can we restore what has already been lost? How can we protect what remains?
Date: February 28th, 2017
Time: 12:00 PM through 2:00 PM
Renewables Innovation Hub
19-23 Moore Street
Turner ACT 2602
19-23 Moore Street
Turner ACT 2602
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