The Truth about Trees - Gunning
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Harness the Power of Nature to Increase Your Production, Profit and Pleasure
Whether you are contemplating a complete farm makeover, renovating a dam or just bunging in a small shelter belt, this workshop is one not to miss!!
When: Saturday 4th March 2017, starting at 8:30am
Where: Gunning Showground Hall, Gunning
Gunning District Landcare join with the Yass Area Network of Landcare Groups to present this workshop for your benefit.
Why Come?
- A rare opportunity to hear keynote speaker, Professor David Lindenmayer AO – a leading expert in landscape ecology, conservation and biodiversity.
- In just over half a day, get tips on how you can make a world of difference to your property
- Talk to potential funders about the assistance they can offer you
- Hear how two local landowners, Matt Doyle [Bowning] and Margie Fitzpatrick [Goulburn] have applied the principles you will hear about on their properties
- See some of the products you can use for landscape management and get advice from experts there on the day
- Visit a local property on Rye Park Road Dalton to see first-hand what the benefits of using trees can bring
- Enjoy a great day, fine country catering and the company of friends and neighbours
Funding for this event is provided by the Yass Habitat Linkages Project through the New South Wales Environmental Trust – Bush Connect Program
Participating Organisations
Representatives from organisations, including the following, will be on hand to answer your questions.
- Yass Habitat Linkages project - funding available now for people in the Yass district and much of the Gunning area
- South East Local Land Services – information, advice and funding opportunities to improve primary production within healthy landscapes
- Upper Lachlan Shire Council weeds inspector – find out the best way to control your weeds
- Rivers of Carbon - funding information and advice
- Greening Australia - revegetating advice for farms large and small
- Land for Wildlife - opportunity to register for a property assessment
- Gunning District Fox Eradication Program team
- Jacqui Stol from CSIRO - with copies of the new booklet “Checking for Change - A practical guide to checking whether sites newly managed for conservation are on track to improve”
- Local Landcare groups
- Global Land Repair – a range of tree guards and other products for your planting projects
- Other exhibitors may also be attending
RSVP Essential:
For catering purposes, dietary requirements and to ensure your place at this important event, please RSVP to Greening Australia on 6253 3035 or by Monday 27th February.