Murrumbateman Landcare Group - farm dam walk
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MLG’s first membership-wide activity for 2017 is a farm dam walk on Ironbark Vineyard, Chris and Gill Hall's place (walk deferred from September 2016).
The walk, led by Jacqui Stol (our Landcare President) and Sue McIntyre (our Vice President), includes two dams and discussion of the management of dams:
- for stock watering;
- for native flora and fauna; and
- options for dams focussed on conservation (i.e. no stock).
You are all invited to stay after the walk to continue the conversation over morning tea.
WHEN: Saturday 11 February, 9-11am, followed by morning tea.
WHERE: 320 Isabel Drive Murrumbateman. Entrance is near the corner of Isabel Dr and Dog Trap Rd.
RSVP: For event management and catering, please RSVP to by Wednesday 8 February.
NOTE: There is no regular MLG meeting on the first Thursday of February - see the link below for our schedule