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Introduction to Grantwriting workshop - Hay

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13 Feb 2017 - 5:30pm

Regional Development Australia Riverina and Murrumbidgee Landcare are pleased to present a FREE workshop - Introduction to Grantwriting, which aims to provide core skills for volunteers, staff and fundraisers in writing successful grant applications for your community organisation.

This workshop provides an introduction to grantwriting that will answer all your grantseeking questions and leave you with the tools to ensure you are grant ready. Learn the top tips to grant success for your community organisation and find out how to find the money! You will be taken through a grant process that will allow you to save time and be proactive with grant funding.

Date:  Monday 13 February 2017
Time:  5.30 - 8.30pm
Venue:  Training Room 2, TAFE Riverina Institute, Hay

For further information and to register please see the attached flier.

PDF icon Hay Grantwriting 2017641.19 KB

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Dr. Radut Consulting