Plant sale at Greening Australia, Aranda
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The below list of species is available for purchase through the Greening Australia nursery by phoning your orders through to Donna Blundell or Jeni De Landre on 6253 3035.
All species will be sold in trays of 20 plants at $10 per tray, no trays will be split or species mixed, there is a minimum order of 1 tray per order, payment must be cash or cheque only and picked up from Greening Australia, Kubura Place, Aranda by Friday December 9th.
Trees guards and stakes are also available for purchase when ordering; cost and type of guards available can be discussed when placing your plant order.
Acacia Buxifolia – Box Leaf Wattle
Acacia lanigera – Woolly Wattle
Acacia rubida – Red Stem Wattle
Acacia melanoxylon – Blackwood Wattle
Acacia mearnsii – Green Wattle
Acacia parramentensis – Sydney green Wattle
Davesia latifola – Hop Bitter Pea
Davesia genistefolia – Spiny Bitter Pea
Davesia mimosoides – Narrow Leaf Bitter Pea
Leptospermum brevipes – Slender Tea Tree
Leptospermum lanigerum – Woolly Tea Tree
Leptospermum continentale – Prickly Tea tree
Indigofera Australis – Australian Indigo
Hardenbergia – Purple Coral Pea
Allocasuarina verticillata – Drooping Sheoak
Cassinia longifolia – Shiny Cassinia
Eucalyptus amplifolia – Cabbage Gum
Eucalyptus pauciflora – Snow Gum
Eucalyptus nortonii – Bundy
Eucalyptus goniocalyx - Long Leaved Box
Eucalyptus melliodora - Yellow Box (very small amounts)