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Proposed Biosecurity Regulation 2016 info session - Griffith

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28 Nov 2016 - 1:00pm
The Biosecurity Act 2015 was passed by Parliament in September 2015 and once commenced, will replace 10 whole existing Acts and parts of four other Acts.
Before the Act can commence, supporting subordinate legislation must be developed to align the management of biosecurity risks with the tools and powers contained in the Act.
The proposed Biosecurity Regulation 2016, like the Biosecurity Act, covers  the biosecurity spectrum,  reducing the need for multiple regulations.
Preliminary consultation on the proposed management approach for a number of animal and plant pests and diseases, weeds and contaminants has been ongoing since late 2015 with 37 discussion papers released for consultation, leading to the upcoming consultation on the proposed Regulation and Regulatory Impact Statement.
Have your  say
The proposed Regulation and Regulatory Impact Statement will be available for public consultation from 14 November 2016 to 5pm - 29 January 2017.
Information sessions
A series of community drop-in sessions will be held across NSW during November. Drop in anytime over the two hours, view the display, talk with our Biosecurity team and have your say.
Griffith, 1pm - 3pm  Griffith City Library Monday 28 November 
Albury, 4pm - 6pm  Albury Entertainment Centre  Wednesday 30 November
There are many ways to have your say. View the proposed Regulation, Regulatory Impact Statement, the Biosecurity Manual, facts sheets and other information from 14 November 2016

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Dr. Radut Consulting