Working bees at Murrumbateman Landcare Group Community Nursery
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The weather is finally becoming conducive to running some (late!) spring propagation sessions at the MLG community nursery. All members are welcome to come along; everything is provided including seed, potting mix, boxes etc as well as general information on the species that we stock. Members can place an order ready for planting out in autumn; the seedlings stay at the nursery until they are ready to be planted out. In turn we ask that members come to the nursery for occasional working bees. There are some seedlings ready to be planted now; these will be given away on a first-come basis.
We are planning on running propagation sessions at the nursery on the below dates:
Thursday 3 November; 5.30pm
Thursday 10 November; 10.00am
Tuesday 15 November; 10.00am
Thursday 17 November; 5.30pm
Thursday 24 November; 5.30pm
The nursery is located behind the rural fire shed on Rose Street; park at the pre-school and go through the two gates on the left of the fire shed and you’ll see the nursery compound.
We may run other sessions depending on interest and availability of volunteers. If you are not able to make it along to the scheduled sessions, please contact and we may be able to arrange other times.