YAN Annual Awards Dinner and AGM - Gundaroo
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Come and help celebrate Landcare and Landcare achievements at YAN’s annual awards dinner to be held at the Gundaroo Colonial Inn on Wednesday, 26 October.
Guest speaker – A fascinating talk on the work going on at Mulligans Flat in reintroducing Bettongs, Quolls and Curlews will be given by Dr Will Batson from the ANU and Woodlands and Wetlands Trust.
The John Betts Perpetual Trophy will be presented at the dinner to a landcarer who has made an exceptional contribution to Landcare in the Yass region. This annual award is given in the memory of John Betts a strong supporter and advocate for Landcare in the area for many years.
Awards will also be made to landcarers from each of the Yass area Landcare groups recognising and celebrating outstanding achievement during the year. Our Landcare groups have been very busy during the year and this is a good opportunity to hear what others have been doing.
The evening will commence at 6pm for a 6.30pm start - a short YAN Annual General Meeting will be followed by dinner, award presentations and guest speaker.
RSVP by Friday 21 October 2016 to charleswillcocks@bigpond.com or 0488-408 245