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The "Grasses you don't want" Workshop - Fullerton

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20 Aug 2016 - 9:00am

Date : Saturday August 20th 2016
Time : 9.00am – 3.30pm (Lunch provided)
Address : Kempton Hall, Fullerton Road, Fullerton (next to the Fire Shed)

For more information or to RSVP please email info@fullertonhadleylandcare.org.au or telephone Anne 0418-697 663 or Nerida 4834 2133

Join us for a FREE, informative and interactive workshop with presentations by

  • Dr Robert Godfree – CSIRO Research Scientist
  • Jacqui Stohl - CSIRO Land & Water
  • Alison Elvin - Natural Capital
  • Paul Brown - Upper Lachlan Shire Council

African Lovegrass, Chilean Needle Grass and Coolatai Grass are a serious threat that, if left uncontrolled, will quickly outcompete native vegetation - especially in grasslands - dominate pasture, remove habitat for native species and significantly reduce carrying capacity.

The Fullerton Hadley Landcare Group and the CSIRO are hosting a workshop to help landowners understand the potentially serious impacts of these grasses as well as discuss management and control options. These weeds are highly invasive and extremely difficult to control. The workshop will help landowners and managers both recognise and identify these species and provide practical advice on how they can be controlled and managed on your property.

As an old farmer will tell you… “Some grasses you want and some grasses you don’t want”!

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