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Compost on the farm workshop

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17 Aug 2016 - 9:00am

Interested in Compost?
Interested in building soil fertility?
Interested in increasing production?

The Compost on the Farm project is for you.

Landcare in conjuction with ANL , NSW EPA and MRA Consulting are holding a series of workshops in central tablelands/upper lachlan area to promote using compost in grazing and cropping systems. The workshops will provide opportunities for you to discuss the benefits of compost with specialists, compost producers, rural advisors and other farmers.

All your questions answered
The opportunity has come to make the use of compost a normal and regular practice in grazing and cropping systems. The science is in, the cost-benefits are in and there is plenty of high quality, high performing compost available and much more to come in the next few years.

Compost at a huge discount - 25% off
A small trial sized amount of compost will be provided free. In addition each farmer attending will have the opportunity to purchase and apply compost at a discounted rate.

On-Farm support and advice
All support provided by Landcare, LLS, rural advisors and the compost supplier.

Workshop locations
Goulburn August 17, Young August 18, Oberon August 19, Forbes August 23, Trunkey Creek August 24, Bathurst August 25.

These workshops will run for a half day and attendees will have the opportunity to hear from researchers and landholders on the benefits of spreading compost on farms.  

Morning tea and lunch will be provided.  Please RSVP to info@upperlachlanlandcare.org.au ph 0459-352 892 and indicate which workshop you would like to attend. Directions to properties where workshops will take place will be provided after registration.

Full Details available on the flyer.

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Dr. Radut Consulting