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Tarcutta Valley Landcare Community Think Tank

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3 Aug 2016 - 6:00pm

TVLGA community think tank is farmers talking to other farmers about shared issues and, through sharing ideas, developing solutions together.

Please come along to share your issues and ideas to help guide the future of community driven on-ground works in the Tarcutta Valley.

Topics are anticipated to broadly cover pest management, weed management, habitat conservation on farms and alternative land management options.....However, topics will ultimately be guided by the issues and interests of the participants.

Date:  Wednesday 3 August 2016
Time:  6.00 - 8.30pm
Venue:  Humula Sports Club (free BBQ dinner provided)
RSVP:  Monday 1 August to Maddy Gorham, 0429-458 717 or mgorham@mli.org.au

Further details can be found on the attached flier.

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