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Murrumbateman Landcare Group Meeting

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11 Aug 2016 - 7:00pm

YANPlease note that there is no meeting on the first Thursday of August. Instead the next Landcare meeting will be on Thursday 11th August, 7pm at the Murrumbateman Recreation Hall. The talk will be “Agriculture in an even more sunburnt country - future challenges and opportunities” by Steven Crimp.

Steven is a CSIRO climate applications scientist who has worked with farmers to enhance current management practices to cope with the challenges of climate variability and change. He will discuss the implications of climate change on local agricultural production and the importance of evaluating possible adaptation options in terms of profitability, greenhouse emissions and natural resource management outcomes. He will show some of the latest climate projections and provide regional analogues for 2030 climate conditions and will discuss the different types of adaptation options that might be available for consideration, i.e. from incremental to transformational.

All welcome. Please stay for a cuppa and a chat afterwards.

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Dr. Radut Consulting