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Hollows as Homes - Cocoparra National Park - POSTPONED

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11 Sep 2016 - 11:00am

Hollows as HomesPLEASE NOTE: This event has been postponed due to wet weather making the entrance road impassable. A new date will be set and advertised soon.


Enjoy bushwalking around lovely Cocoparra National Park whilst helping gather important information that will be used to build a picture of the location, types and number of tree hollows as well as the wildlife using hollows. Learn how to take measurements of hollow-bearing trees, report your observations and learn skills that can be used in your local neighbourhood.

Time:  11am
Venue:  Cocoparra National Park, Store Creek Carpark
RSVP:  kkeely@mli.org.au or 0428-396 826 by 10 September, for catering purposes

Further details can be found on the attached flier.

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Dr. Radut Consulting