Sutton Landcare Group Meeting
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9 August — Sutton Primary School — 7.30pm
Geoff Butler, weeds officer for the Conservation Council of the SE Region and Canberra, will talk to the Sutton community about native plants that are now considered weeds. This can apply to native plants that have either colonised or been deliberately introduced. Two well-known native “weeds” are the Cootamundra Wattle and Bluebell Creeper.
Some so-called weeds are still for sale in our local nurseries! Geoff will discuss why plants become weeds and the problems that eventuate when they take over.
Given the diversity of views on what is a weed, this should be a talk of interest to anyone with land, from broad-acre farmers to suburban owners with a minimal garden.
Geoff Butler has had a distinguished career working at the Australian National Botanic Gardens and as a private consultant on flora and fauna. He is a widely-published expert on weeds and amongst other things was a finalist for the United Nations Association of Australia — World Environment Day Award for Outstanding Service to the Environment 2015.
After his talk there will be supper and an opportunity to talk to Geoff directly. Everybody is welcome. For general inquiries about Sutton Landcare Group, please contact our Secretary, Marchien van Oostende via