Farm Business Skills Professional Development Program
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As part of the NSW Government's $300 million Drought Strategy, a $45 million Farm Business Skills Professional Development Program has been developed to support farm business in all conditions, but particularly in relation to preparing for and responding to drought.
The Minister for Primary Industries, Lands and Water, Niall Blair, announced the first stage of the program, calling for education and service providers to apply for pre-approval of courses.
Farmers are now able to view a list of pre-approved courses. This list will be updated as additional products become available.
Alternatively, farmers can apply for consideration to attend other professional development activities which they have identified as meeting their particular requirements.
Approved participants are able to claim reimbursement of costs (up to 50% of eligible costs) upon completion of the course/activity. A maximum reimbursement of $5,000 (covering all courses/activities over the life of the program) applies for any farmer with reimbursements capped at $9,000 per farm business.
Three professional development priority areas have been identified:
- Risk management
- Financial and business management
- Farm business planning/drought preparedness.
More information:
For more information read the Farm Business Skills Professional Development Program here or the Question and Answer sheet here.