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Erin Earth Open Garden - Wagga Wagga

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18 Jun 2016 - 9:30am

Erin Earth

A welcoming information session at the beginning of Refugee Week for all our new arrivals that will demonstrate our unique environment, climate, flora and flora. Through a panel of local experts, capably assisted by translators, this enjoyable day will introduce them to our environment.

9.30 am  -  Join a garden tour or make an early start at the cafe!
10.00 am  -  Welcome to Country and introduction to ErinEarth
10.15 am  -  Dr Andrew Wallace will describe Wagga's climate and weather
10.45 am  -  Break - time for the cafe or just a walk around the garden
11.10 am  -  Jim Rees will enthuse all with how to grow vegetables at home
10.40 am  -  Some "hands-on" in the vege garden with compost, garden preparation and growing vegies from seed and seedlings.
Noon  -  the ever popular sausage sizzle. Enjoy chatting to new people over lunch.

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Dr. Radut Consulting