Canberra Heritage Festival activities, April
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‘Discover our natural treasures’ – four events run by the Conservation Council ACT region
Discover Kama: Tuesday 5 April 7.30am, Kama Nature Reserve
One of this year’s Canberra Heritage Festival activities is a walk organised by the Conservation Council ACT Region in Kama Nature Reserve.
The walk will last about 2 hours, starting early (7.30 am), and will follow established tracks, with the walkers in small groups (up to 10 people). Group leaders will include Friends Of Grasslands (FOG) members Kat Ng and David Johnson with John Fitz Gerald, as well as members of Canberra Ornithologists Group.
FOG will have Woodland Flora available for sale at this event ($20 for FOG members; $25 for others).
Kama is in the Belconnen region, on the north-east side of the Molonglo River. David Johnson is doing experimental work on forbs in this grassland, as part of his PhD studies at ANU Fenner School. The area offers plenty of plants of interest, including Themeda triandra, and lovely old trees and nest hollows and woody debris; it is moderately weedy in places. We hope the birds will be active early on this morning.
IMPORTANT: This activity will take only 20 people. If you are interested in attending, please register your interest with before Easter. John will contact us at the end of March to let us know if there are enough places available for us to join in.
Discover three other natural treasures in ACT
The Conservation Council is also offering the chance to explore aspects of the nature reserves at Mulligans Flat (9 April,10 am), Kinlyside (14 April,10 am) and Red Hill (17 April,10 am).
‘Discovering a forgotten woodland & rediscovering Ngunawal culture’ Field Day & BBQ– run by Molonglo Catchment Group
Field day & barbecue: Saturday 9 April 9.30–12.30, Stirling Park (Block 2 Section 128 Yarralumla – opposite Canberra Yacht Club and Lake Burley Griffin)
Celebrate Ngunawal caring for country and local Landcare Living history, as told by a remnant corner of woodland, a tiny Button Wrinklewort plant and a Ngunawal family who camped on a creek on the side of present-day Capital Hill before the building of Canberra.
Callum Brae Nature Reserve – an event run by Greening Australia
Callum Brae Nature Reserve: Saturday 2 April. Details to come. More information will be available about these and other events on the website, heritage/heritage-and-the-community/heritage_festival or through the organisations running the activities.