Oolong Creek Project at Dalton - community tree planting morning
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Gunning District Landcare is a partner with [and bag carrier for] the Dalton Community Association [Ms Maree Dowling, Messrs Dave Wiseman and Wayne Apps, and Councillor John Searle in particular], Greening Australia and probably Gunning Scouts in a 25th Landcare Anniversary project to "tidy up" and revegetate Oolong Creek either side of the Garry Cosgrove Bridge in Dalton.
At an on-site meeting with most of the Dalton people recently we agreed that we would hold a community planting event on the morning of Sunday 3 April. It will be planting a large number of tube stock followed by a lunch in the park. Scouts are likely to be providing squirrel glider nesting boxes and be involved in planting as well to obtain their Landcare badges.
If you would like to be involved in this community tree planting morning on 3rd April, contact Bob Spiller on 4824 8217 or spillers263@bigpond.com