1080 and Pindone Training Course
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South East Local Land Services, Boorowa, Goulburn and Yass offices are running 1080, Pindone and Canid Pest Ejector (CPE) accreditation courses.
Any landholder wanting to use 1080 and Pindone baits to control pest animals such as foxes, wild dogs, feral pigs and rabbits that do not hold a current AQF3 certificate should attend this course. The course gives participants information on the chemicals being used, how to use them, safety precautions and legal requirements.
The course takes approximately three hours to complete. Those successfully completing the course will be issued a certification card and will remain accredited to use 1080 and Pindone for five years.
Cost: $33
Locations and Times:
BOOROWA: (SSNPA Weeds Office, Court St. Boorowa). Ph: 6385 1018 to register
Wed 9th March 6pm-9pm
Fri 11th March 9am-12pm
GOULBURN: (Goulburn Workers Club, McKell Place, Goulburn). Ph: 4824 1900 to register
Fri 11th March 6pm - 9pm
YASS (SE LLS 13 Mitchell St. Yass) Ph: 6118 7700 to register
Tue 8th March 6pm-9pm
Mon 21st March 9am-12pm
Mon 21st March 1pm-3pm Canid Pest Ejector (CPE) training
To register:
Phone: Yass office (02) 6118 7700 or Boorowa office 6385 1018
Email: enquiry.southeast@lls.nsw.gov.au
For more information please call the Yass (02 6118 7700) or Boorowa office (02 6458 3055).