Yass Harvest Swap
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Did you know there is a monthly Harvest Swap in Yass? The next one will be held on Saturday March 12th from 10am until 12.30 out the front of Thyme to Taste, 60 Comur Street Yass.
The idea is that people who grow vegies or fruit at home can bring along their excess produce and swap it for other goods that others have left on the table. No money changes hands; bring some and take something else in return.
You’ll be surprised at how much variety there is being grown in backyards around the Yass Valley. And the leftover produce is donated to the Vine Community FoodCare, which in turn makes sure the fresh fruit and veggies find their way to people in the area who might otherwise find the cost of fresh produce for their families a bit steep - so everyone wins!
For further information, contact Elizabeth on 0437-178 357. Elizabeth is always on the lookout for folks who might like to volunteer a little time toward promoting home produce for everyone’s benefit.