Environmental Research Program Grants
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11 Mar 2016 - 5:00pm
The NSW Environmental Trust is inviting Expressions of Interest (EOIs) to its Environmental Research Program.
The closing date for Research EOIs is 11 March 2016.
This year’s Research Program is offering grants up to $150,000 primarily for applied research relating to the following priority areas:
1. Biosecurity
2. Climate change
3. Waste and pollution
4. Mechanisms for social engagement.
Applicants must demonstrate a collaborative approach that engages end-users from the outset of their proposal, through to dissemination of research findings.
Visit the Trust’s website for more information about the Research Program Grants and to access application materials: www.environment.nsw.gov.au/grants/research.htm
Questions? Please contact the Trust on (02) 8837 6093 or email info@environmentaltrust.nsw.gov.au