Sutton Landcare Group Meeting
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Greater Goorooyarroo Project Revegetation-what has been achieved?
The first meeting of Sutton Landcare for 2016 will be held on Sunday morning February 14 commencing at 8.30 and ending around 10.30 to 11am. We will visit and examine two Greater Goorooyarroo project revegetation sites where plantings have been undertaken to improve landscape function and productivity.
Our first site visit will examine plantings of both direct seeding and tubestocks. We will also look at more mature plantings undertaken before the advent of the Goorooyarroo Project. Our second visit will examine a large-scale revegetation initiative (25 ha) through Greening Australia’s Whole of Paddock Rehabilitation (WOPR).
At each site we will also look at the surrounding native grasses and learn how to recognise them and their characteristics and value as pasture species. Jeni Delandre, Project Manager with Greening Australia, will lead our group. Jeni has overseen all the revegetation initiatives under the Goorooyarroo Project. Alison Elvin from Natural Capital will help us with identification and appraisal of surrounding native grasses. Alison is a recognised expert in this field.
Further details of the meeting can be obtained from Tony Redman on 6230 3266 or David Vincent on 6230 3584.