FOG Workparty - Stirling Park, Yarralumla
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Time: 9 am – 12:30 pm
Venue: Stirling Park, Yarralumla ACT
At Stirling Park, the northern end now needs attention to remove the resurgent Sorbus, Cootamundra Wattle, Cotoneaster, Blackberry, Briar Rose and other invasive plants. Our task is to cut and daub woody weeds and restore this part of the park. FOG will provide morning tea.
Meet in Stirling Park itself, across the road from the rusty DNA sculpture on Alexandrina Drive; there will be FOG signs beside the road. Park in the carpark near the sculpture, which is midway between Mariner Place and Hopetoun Cres. Wear gardening clothes, sun protection and solid footwear and bring drinking water. RSVP before the day to Jamie via or 0407 265 131.
The workparty will be automatically cancelled if the weather forecast the night before is for temperatures of 35C degrees or more, or it is a total fire ban day. If the forecast is for temperatures of 30C degrees or more the workparty may stop earlier than scheduled.