National Landcare Programme Sustainable Agriculture Small Grants Round 2015-16
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The Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources, the Hon Barnaby Joyce, has announced that applications are open for the National Landcare Programme Sustainable Agriculture Small Grants Round 2015-16. Grants ranging between $5,500 and $55,000 (GST inclusive) are now available to increase industry capacity and support the adoption of productive management practices.
A range of activities may be eligible, including:
- field days, workshops, conferences
- demonstration events or workshops
- training or skill development sessions
- community information or education sessions
- development of decision-making tools
- development of new information channels within the current knowledge system
- conducting surveys.
Applications are invited from a range of entities, including farming systems groups, community groups and individuals to undertake projects across a variety of agricultural industries including cropping, livestock, dairy, horticulture, pastoral, aquaculture and fisheries.
This small grants round supports the implementation of the Agricultural Competitiveness White Paper.
Applications will close 2.00pm (AEDT) Monday 7 December 2015
For more information, visit: or telephone 1800 283 940