TSR Draft State Planning Framework 2016-19
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Travelling Stock Reserves (TSRs) are parcels of Crown land reserved under legislation for use by travelling stock. Local Land Services is responsible for the care, control and maintenance of almost 500,000ha of TSRs in NSW.
TSRs provide pasture reserves for travelling or grazing stock. These reserves can be beneficial in times of drought, bushfire or flood. They are also used for public recreation, apiary sites and for conservation.
Local Land Services has developed the first draft statewide planning framework for TSRs to support the future management of this land. We are now keen to hear from the public with their opinions on how to manage TSRs in the future. We want to understand the values people hold important for TSRs, including biodiversity and Aboriginal cultural heritage values.
For further information, please visit the Local Land Services website at http://www.lls.nsw.gov.au/livestock/stock-routes.