Tablelands Small Grants Program 2015/2016
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30 Oct 2015 - 5:00pm
South East Local Land Services is offering grants up to $10,000 for local land managers to deliver natural resource and sustainable agriculture initiatives. The program will support land managers in the Tablelands to:
- Protect and enhance remnant native vegetation, threatened species and habitats.
- Implement sustainable land management practices that support managing land within capability. This could include activities that improve ground cover and soil condition.
- Implement activities that protect and enhance wetlands and local waterways.
- Deliver activities that support local Aboriginal cultural heritage natural resource or land management projects.
Tablelands land owners within the Local Government areas of Yass Valley, Boorowa, Upper Lachlan, Goulburn/Mulwaree, Palerang, Snowy River, Cooma/Monaro, Bombala and Queanbeyan are eligible to apply.
Note: if you have a current LLS project, this will need to be signed off as completed before entering into a new funding agreement.
For further information & an Expression of Interest form: See the website; contact your nearest LLS office; or contact Rebecca Widdows at the Yass office,, 6118 7706. EOI's close on Friday 30th October 2015.